How ADA Signs Can Save Your Business Money on Taxes

The Hidden Tax Benefits of ADA-Compliant Signage

ADA signage is essential in fostering accessibility and promoting inclusivity. However, some businesses may hesitate due to the perceived costs of implementing a robust ADA signage system. The good news is that upgrading to ADA-compliant signage can actually save you money—especially when it comes to taxes.

Many small businesses may qualify for tax credits or deductions, such as the Disabled Access Credit (IRS Form 8826), which helps offset the cost of implementing ADA-compliant signage. Not only do these upgrades help businesses avoid fines, but they can also provide financial relief. It’s a true win-win!

(As with any tax-related decisions, be sure to consult with a tax professional or CPA for guidance.)

What Tax Credits and Deductions Are Available for ADA Signage?

1. Disabled Access Credit (Form 8826)

According to the IRS, “Eligible small businesses use Form 8826 to claim the disabled access credit. This credit is part of the general business credit.”

If you make accessibility improvements at your business, including ADA-compliant signage, you may be eligible for this credit. This form allows businesses to notify the IRS of such improvements.

Access the form here: IRS Form 8826

2. Section 179 Deduction

The Section 179 Deduction allows businesses to deduct the cost of qualifying improvements rather than depreciating them over time.

According to the IRS for the 2025 tax year:

  • The maximum Section 179 expense deduction is $1,250,000.
  • This limit is reduced if the total cost of qualifying property placed in service exceeds $3,130,000.
  • A special depreciation allowance of 40% applies to certain qualified property acquired after September 27, 2017, and placed in service between December 31, 2024, and January 1, 2026.

For more details, visit the IRS Section 179 deduction page.

3. Barrier Removal Tax Deduction

This deduction encourages businesses to remove physical barriers to accessibility.

According to the IRS:

“The Architectural Barrier Removal Tax Deduction encourages businesses of any size to remove architectural and transportation barriers to the mobility of persons with disabilities and the elderly. Businesses may claim a deduction of up to $15,000 per year for qualified expenses. Additionally, businesses may use the Disabled Access Credit and the barrier removal tax deduction in the same tax year if the expenses qualify for both.”

(As always, it’s advisable to consult with a tax professional to ensure compliance with current tax laws and to maximize available benefits.)

More information: IRS Tax Benefits for Businesses with Disabilities

What Types of Signage Improvements Qualify for These Tax Benefits?

Several signage improvements may qualify for these credits and deductions, including:

  • Replacing Non-Compliant Signage – If your business had previously non-compliant signage, upgrading to ADA-compliant signage may qualify for tax credits.
  • Braille and Tactile Signage – Adding braille and tactile elements to signs is a prime example of an eligible improvement.
  • Proper Placement of Signage – Ensuring that ADA signs are installed at the correct height and location may count toward tax benefits.
  • Improved Wayfinding Signage – Enhancing wayfinding systems with compliant restroom symbols, proper contrast, and tactile markers can also be eligible.


Ensuring your business is accessible to all—customers, staff, and the public—is the primary goal of ADA compliance. However, it’s helpful to know that these improvements not only enhance accessibility but also provide financial advantages. By taking advantage of tax credits and deductions, you can make your business more inclusive while saving on the costs of implementation.

Maximizing Restaurant Appeal: How Indoor Digital Signage is Revolutionizing the Dining Experience

As more and more people are cooking at home, and taking advantage of take-out and delivery services, restaurants are looking to increasingly offer a more unique dining experience that attracts customers into their restaurants and cafes. Signage is playing a major part in that transformation as restaurants incorporate indoor digital signage into their business. Now it seems everyone from boba tea shops to high-end fine dining restaurants incorporate some level of digital signage, whether it’s a kiosk to order from, a digital menu board to highlight pictures, video, and text of food items, or even just screens for atmosphere, digital signage has changed how many restaurants do business.

What types of Digital Display Signs are used in restaurants?

TV screens in sushi bar and restaurant

There are a variety of digital signs that can be used in restaurants from traditional display screens (TV monitors) to cloud based digital signage such as Electronic Message Centers.

One provider of Digital Displays, Vantage, offers two types of LED displays SMD (Surface Mount Diodes) and COP (Chip on Board) LEDs. SMDs can be stacked, wall-mounted or hung, while COBs are stacked or wall-mounted. SMDs are built for a wide-range of viewing distances, while COBs are preferred options for close viewing.

Vantage also offers cloud-based solutions for digital signage as well which allows for more dynamic offerings with regards to updating your sign.

How can I use these Digital Signs in my restaurant?

These types of signs can be incorporated into traditional displays or as indoor digital restaurant menu boards.

Digital Displays can help with branding. By incorporating branded videos, logos, or other graphics, they can help provide a sense of place.

Digital Displays can provide atmosphere. If you’re looking to provide a fun atmosphere you may want to use these displays to play music, or even music videos, or other such fun videos.

Digital Displays can help sell food or upsell food. Digital Sigs can be a part of your digital menu board solution, but they can also be placed in the restaurant to showcase additional food items such as desserts that customers may consider during or after their meal. Cafes and diners for instance often will showcase cake selection through digital displays.

How are kiosks incorporated into a restaurant or café?

Kiosks increasingly serve as the front-line for businesses, whether its to reserve your spot, or to order food, you may be greeted by a host or more often a kiosk. Depending on your preferred use of a kiosk, it may supplement your existing staff, or perhaps even relieve them of some duties in the same way that apps now increasingly have alleviated wait time notifications by providing them via text.

How pricey are digital display signs or kiosks?

Digital Display signs range from thousands to several thousand dollars, which is why the initial investment may scare away some potential buyers. However when integrated into your business model effectively, they can help enhance revenue and attract more customers.

I’ve seen more and more robot waiters at restaurants. Are they considered signs?

Not strictly no; however, robot waiters do often have digital displays that can provide a happy face – often literally – for the customer, or they even display your order, or your meal item, especially when they bring it around. Cat robots have become increasingly popular and they’ll often have cat-like faces along with robotic ears.

Future of Digital Signage in the Restaurant Industry

Though it’s hard to say how the restaurant industry may change in the future, we can say that right now its trending increasingly towards a more digital experience. As you look for more ways to ramp up your restaurant or cafe’s experience, consider digital signage and all its benefits. Then you can talk with us at Ortwein Sign and we can see if it’d be a boon to your business, and if so how best to implement it to help your restaurant thrive for years to come!

Small Space, Big Impact: Creative Interior Signage Solutions for Compact Areas

At Ortwein Sign, we design, fabricate, and install signs for all variety of businesses and places of community. We build signs for everything from churches to public parks, medical offices to medical campuses, and all manner of places in between. We know that not all places are of equal size and though that can be an issue when crafting creative branding and interior signage it’s not nessecarily an impediment. We wanted to discuss in today’s blog how even with limited space you can still use what you have to integrate your branding to present a sense of place, familiarity, and more with the limited space you might have.

1. Statement Pieces for Front Offices

Interior sign accent piece in mental health medical office

Quite often when we design and fabricate signage for offices, be it a corporate office or a a small medical practice, dental office, veterinarian center, etc., there’ll be a small foyer in the front where visitors or patients wait. Especially in smaller offices and practices these might be rather intimate rooms that do not allow for a lot of wall real estate, especially with regards to where the medical staff might be sitting behind a desk. In these instances, we often recommend a statement piece that can sit behind the medical staff that serves as a welcome to visitors and patients alike. By seeing these right as you come in you’re not only assured you’re in the right place, but you’re also provided a sense of place. These signs can be made in a variety of ways including with LEDs, vinyl, channel letters, or even neon.

2. Digital Screens and Kiosks for Cafes, Bakeries, Restaurants, or Fast-Food Restaurants

Whether you’re a smaller business in a commercial property development, or you’re a larger business that’s devoted most of your space to seating, you may not have a substantial amount of room for lines either to order or to be greeted by your hosts. Now with the increasing prevalence of kiosks in shops, you can more easily manage your lines by allowing for either a hybrid self-order/order at the counter option, or you can go entirely self-order with multiple kiosks. During the pandemic this became a prime way for employees and restaurant workers to keep a safe distance; however, many businesses realized that this was an efficient way for customers to order as well, while allowing for increased customization. Largely this has been welcomed by diners as well, though many perhaps prefer a hybrid option.

If you run a bakery for instance or a boba shop and you’re considering freeing up some space by eliminating or decreasing your counter space, digital kiosks are one possible solution. You may also pair a kiosk with TV screens in addition to, or instead of menus, as they can more easily be added to walls that were perhaps previously blocked by expanded counter space. Since kiosks will also have the entire menu often already incorporated, these digital screens or TV monitors can feature sale items or specials or other promotions of note.

3. Signage and Decor in Cafes/Restaurants for Instagram/TikTok

Increasingly restaurants and cafes not only keep in mind what the in-person experience is like for customers but they also take into account what the experience looks like on Instagram/TikTok. Afterall the way many businesses find an audience now is through social media. This has led to changes in interior lighting and its also encouraged a trend of using signage and decor to create spaces for patrons to take photos and videos, often through creative or beautiful backdrops. Even if your business is thin and narrow, as many cafes in particular tend to be, these backdrops can be incorporated by adorning an existing wall with art, neon signage, foliage or faux-ivy, or perhaps a clever backdrop like a cloud with LED lighting.


Cloud wall im gonna end up doing the whole wall

♬ Solas x Interstellar – Gabriel Albuquerqüe

4. Interior Neon Signage

We’ve already touched on how neon signage can be used as a statement piece, emphasizing the company’s brand, but the versatility of neon signage is such we felt it deserved its own place on this list. Afterall neon signs look good in offices, restaurants, bars, TV sets, and even churches. The trick is to ensure the neon signage is incorporated into your branding, otherwise it might simply stand out. (This isn’t even always a bad thing; however, it’s often preferable for it to all be entertwined with your brand.)

Here are some examples of Interior Neon signs in small spaces to show examples of what you can do with your interior spaces.

Neon Sign in Milk & Honey in Chattanooga, TN (Fabricated by Ortwein Sign)

Neon Sign in Vintage Corvettes and Museum (Fabricated by Ortwein Sign)

Vintage Corvette's Diner neon sign in a interior space filled with nostalgia and pop culture references

Wayfinding Wonders: Crafting Interior Signage Experiences in Museums

If you’ve ever had the opportunity to go to a museum as grand as The Metropolitan Museum of Art (The MET), then you know how expansive museums can be and how important it is to know where you’re at and to know how to get where you want to go. Signage is a crucial component of this wayfinding journey as it helps inform you where you are, where you want to go, where you cannot go, and just as importantly how to get out in the case of an emergency In this blog, we’ll discuss how wayfinding is an essential component of the museum experience, and we’ll discuss the types of wayfinding signage you’ll see in a wonderfully developed wayfinding system.

Environmental Graphics and Murals

Museums each have their own style and their own focus, and so it’s important for signage to reflect that. Not only does it help with branding, but it also helps provide a sense of place. That’s why environmental graphics and murals are so often incorporated into the interior space of a museum. These graphics can reflect the most famous artwork in the museum, or present and future exhibitions, or in the case of some museums these interior graphics and murals can be the very art themselves that is being shown off to patrons.

Banners and Temporary Signage

British Museum
British Museum

Museums are often known for their vaulted ceilings, as some of the art they may contain can be on an enormous scale. Therefore its quite common for museums to have the space to have sizeable exterior and interior signage that showcases the art inside the museum. This often comes in the form of temporary, or seasonal, signage such as banners. It is a common practice to use these types of banners in particular when promoting both current exhibitions and future exhibitions. These banners can also be used long term for permanent exhibitions, especially if the banner is designed to match the frequently rotating banners in design tyle.

Placards, Placques, and Identifying Signs

Willie Nelson and Friends Museum and Nashville Souvenirs
Willie Nelson and Friends Museum and Nashville Souvenirs

Museums may hold anywhere from dozens of art pieces to thousands, and even though some are famous and easily identifiable by nearly all, each art piece will have an identifying sign such as a placard or plaque below or beside the piece of art. These wayfinding signs inform the visitors of the art’s name (if it has one), often its year of creation, its creator of known, and perhaps even other information such as its place of origin or material make-up. While the art in many ways may speak for itself, these placques help inform you of the story of the arts creation in one way or the other.

Especially in an exhibit for a featured artist, or for a significant piece, there may be sizeable signs beside the art as well that tell even more of the story. These signs may include quotes from the artist, an insight into the history of the time or the piece itself, or perhaps sign a light on what the artist’s life was like. There’s certainly no end to how these signs may be used, and museums may each find their own indepent uses for how they like to incorporate such wayfindign informational signs around their art pieces on display.

Digital Kiosks

Increasingly museums look for new ways to provide engaging and entertaining experiences for visitors of all ages and one such tool to help them achieve this is in the form of digital kiosks. Digital kiosks can help provide wayfinding information as well as helpful information of all sorts on the exhibits, the museum itself, and more. Many of these kiosks can also be utilized to include audio and visual experiences including for those with auditory or visual impairments.

ADA Signage

ADA is an integral component of wayfinding signage and it is essential in public buildings and public spaces. To many laypersons, ADA signage seems to consist simply of signs with braille; however, as our in-house Ortwein Sign ADA experts can attest there’s a lot more to it than that as ADA signage guidelines include requirements on readability, placement of the signs, font styles, and more.

Museums regardless of size will often need a variety of ADA signs to complement their wayfinding system. This includes signage in the case of emergencies, signage identifying permanent room uses, including bathrooms, signage that identifies tools for accessibility and more. By utilizing these effectively you not only ensure you are in compliance but you also help broaden the accessibility of your museum to as many people as possible.

Deciphering Design: Exploring the Anatomy of Fonts

Typography is an ever present component of our life; however, few people think about typography and fonts to the extent that designers, brand managers, and marketers do. For our design team, the world of fonts and font anatomy is where they live and thrive, and it’s crucial for them to have a complete understanding of font anatomy. We wanted to share some of the basics of Font Anatomy in case it may help you and your business.

What is Font Anatomy?

Font Anatomy at its core is the components and characteristics that makeup a font or typeface. This can include serifs, stems, font height, and more.

What are the key components that make-up Font Anatomy?


A baseline is the line (more often than not an invisible one) whereupon a character sits. This line helps determine the positioning of the characters in the font.

Cap Height

The Cap Height is the span from the top of the characters to the baseline of the characters in the font.


The X-Height is the height of the lowercase characters in a type face. This height varies from the Cap Height, which includes the height of the uppercase characters in a font.


At times there are font elements that rise above a the Cap Height. These elements are considered to be an Ascender.


Much in the same way an Ascender rises above a Cap Height, a Descender dips below the baseline. This may be seen in a “y” or a “q” for instance.


A Serif is a decorative element of a font that can give a typeface a certain style or characteristic. Not all fonts have Serifs as some are considered Sans Serif.


A Stem is the primary vertical line that makes up a letter, such as an “I” or an “L”.


A Counter, as opposed to a Stem, is the primary enclosed element in a character. This can be seen in an “d” or “b”.


A Bowl is the rounded or curved part of a letter, which may include such letters as “d” or “b”.


A Terminal is the end of a stroke that is without a serif.


Interaction Design Foundation

Typography 101

Typography Terms and Definitions

Trends in Interior Signage

Each year we discuss broader trends in design and branding that we see coming in the future (or have already begun.) We highlighted this year’s signage and branding trends over at our flagship website This year we also want to discuss broader trends in Interior Signage especially as we’ve really bolstered our interior signage offerings this year with the creation of our new Interior Sign division.

Minimalist Design

One trend we’ve discussed in the past that’s become increasingly popular in branding is minimalist design. This means simpler, cleaner logos, simple color patterns, and clear, concise messaging. This works especially well for interior signs, especially ADA, since that’s already largely what helps these signs be as effective as they can be.

As we cater to more and more clients looking for room signs, bathroom signs, ADA signs, etc. to match their branding, we are increasingly being asked to fabricate signs with such minimalist elements as we described above.


Clients want the ability to customize signage for their needs, and at Ortwein Sign, your one-stop shop for interior and exterior signage, customization is what we do. Increasingly we’re working with clients to be able to provide methods for clients to request customizations online and over the phone, to more quickly and efficiently provide signage for our clients needs.

Digital Signage

Even before Covid changed the way many restaurants and stores interacted with customers, we had already begun to see an increased presence for digital signage in interior spaces. With kiosks, digital menu boards, and digital wayfinding signs, this trend has only increased. We don’t expect it to stop anytime soon.

Interactive Signage

As Digital Signage has increased its presence, so has the use of signage to present interactive experiences. Whether this is a QR code on an airport sign offering flight details, or an ADR (augmented reality) experience, increasingly we’re seeing digital signage in particular used to provide interactive experiences.


One trend we discussed in our 2024 Trends blog over at that is just as true with Interior Signage is the push for sustainable signage. This can be a desire for processes that are more sustainable and economically friendly, but it can also be a push for more sustainable materials. In general, we see a move to reduce our impact on the world by improving our practices from exterior to interior signage.

Mixed Materials

Interior Signage may need to comply with rules, in particular ADA signage; however, there are still ways to get creative with signage and mixed materials is one such way. This can mean using acrylic with glass, metal with bamboo, or a number of other materials.

Future of Interior Signage

Ultimately as with all trends we will have to see what changes in 2024; however, these are all trends we’ve begun to see in 2023 and thus seem more likely to stay the course.

Whether you need custom ADA signs, or wayfinding systems, or any other exterior and interior signage, we at Ortwein Sign are here for you. So reach out to Ortwein Sign today at (423) 867-9208 or visit to see how we can help provide your signage solution!

Understanding The Impact of Promotional Signage on Consumers’ Behavior

In the sign industry, we know that each sign type has their own unique important function to play in the role of a business. Some signs help provide landmarks that people then use to identify where a business or facility is located at. Others help highlight the function of the business and what services and products the business offers. Some signs are more temporary and help illuminate any ongoing sales or changes in hours. Together all of these signs in tandem are meant to help promote a business, to help encourage customers to visit, to encourage sales, and to leave a familiar mark in the mind of the consumers the next time they see the business’s signage.

Anecdotal evidence as to their effectiveness is important of course, and we’ve spoken previously about how to measure such success; however, we also like to delve into research that explores the benefits of signage further. In a paper by assistant professors Ms. Vishakha Joseph and Mr. Atul Parak, they look across an array of existing literature on the subject of promotional signage to better understand the effects on promotional signage on customer behavior.

Visual Merchandising

According to the authors of the study, “Visual merchandising is a key aspect of retail marketing that focuses on the design and presentation of a store’s merchandise and environment to attract and engage customers. Signage plays an essential role in visual merchandising, as it communicates important information to customers, creates a cohesive brand image, and helps guide customers through the store.”

They go on to explain that promotional signage, “can be in the form of posters, banners, or displays” that are placed in front of customers at various positions in or around the store. These signs can also help share information that the business would like the customer to see.

Is Promotional Signage Effective?

The authors pooled the existing research to answer four questions, among them “assess the effectiveness of promotional signage in increasing sales, brand awareness, and consumer engagement.”

Study’s Conclusion

Their conclusion is that, “Promotional signage has a significant positive impact on consumer behavior, including increasing purchase intention and sales. The design and placement of promotional signage are crucial factors that determine its effectiveness.”

Though the authors suggest more research is needed to more fully determine the impact of such signage, and how variability may change its effectiveness, this is already a positive look at the use of promotionals signage in a business and its ability to affect consumers behavior.


Pumpkin Spice, Signs, and Everything Nice: Signage for Cafés and Restaurants

As the leaves begin to turn, and the first snap of the cold begins to make its way in the wind, pumpkin spice and warm coffee is on the mind of many. For us as a sign company this means we’ve spent much of the summer helping coffee shops ensure they are ready for the Fall crowds, by servicing lighting and signs, and also helping provide branding and signage for existing and new coffee shops alike.

In this article, we want to highlight some of the many sign types that are often incorporated into coffee shops, in the hopes that we may provide any present or future coffee shop owners an idea of how to make your business stand apart and also feel welcoming.

Exterior Signs for Cafés

Perhaps what matters most for all businesses are the signs that adorn the front of the building, for these are the signs that essentially say ‘here we are’ to any passersby and potential customers. Depending on the property you own you may be locked into a certain sign type by your landlord, a common agreement we’ve discussed here; however, if you have flexibility you may consider channel letters, pan faces, or if you have a standalone building or a drive-thru a blade sign.

Channel Letters

Channel Letters are defined as sign that consists of three-dimensionals letter that may include a light source. Channel Letters are perhaps the most frequently used sign type for business facades, as they are functional, often preferred by property managers, and allow the incorporation of a brand’s logo, color, and design.

Pan Faces

Scooter's Drive-Thru Signs

Pan Faces are defined as a plastic sign face molded into a three-dimensional shape. Pan Faces may be second only to Channel Letters in their popularity, as they are an affordable option that likewise allows for brand customization for a businesses signage.

Blade Signs

Blade Signs as defined the Sign Research Foundation are a type of projecting sign mounted such that the face of the sign is perpendicular to the flow of traffic.

Though Blade Signs aren’t as common, they stand apart both in their uniqueness and their designs. We in fact have written an entire blog highlighting how blade signs attract customers, and thus we recommend you read that for a deeper understanding of the value of this sign type.

Now these are all excellent examples of common, and effective, sign types that cafés and restaurants use to identify a business.

Temporary Signage for Cafés

We should now discuss the various types of temporary signs that cafés use to highlight their hours, showcase specials, or highlight seasonal beverages such as the beloved pumpkin spice coffee options we see every Fall.

Banner Signs

Banner Signs are signs that are composed of lightweight material; often used in a non-permanent setting, such as to announce a grand opening, sale, or special event. These are often placed on the building itself; however, they may also be placed depending on your municipal code on pylon signs, monument signs, or other structures.

Flag Signs

Flag Signs are similar to banner signs in that they are often composed of lightweight material, and likewise may be used in a non-permanent setting. However their name comes from their unique shape which is often similar to a feather, and they are often placed on a sidewalk in front of the business to quickly identify a name or feature of the shop. For instance a popular flag sign for a coffee shop might has a graphic that looks like liquid coffee, or coffee beans, and the text would simple say ‘COFFEE’.

Sandwich Boards or Sidewalk Signs

Sandwich Boards (Sidewalk Signs) are signs that are not secured or attached to the ground or surface upon which it is located, but supported by its own frame, which is typically in the shape of an A. These signs are frequently used to highlight specials of the day, hours, or other timely announcements. There may be stipulations to the distance, and time, that these signs may be in place, so confer with your local municipal codes or ask the expertise of your local sign company such as Ortwein Sign to learn more.

Interior Signage for Cafés

Cafés often have as many signs in the interior of their business as they do on the outside, and these signs each serve their own purpose that complement the overall mission of the business. Here we breakdown four common types of signs that you will often see in restaurants and cafés in particular.

Menu Boards

Menu Boards are signs that display for customers the various menu items that are on offer at a cafe or restaurant. Though traditionally menu signs have been analog, using paper, or chalk, for rotating menus. More and more menu boards have gone digital, as restaurant and cafe owners have embraced the ease with which they can adjust the display, as well as its ability to better display photos of the drinks and food items available to patrons.

Logo and Statement Signs

Though many restaurants may have a logo on display in their restaurant, cafés have gone above and beyond by making their logo, and often their slogan, an Instagram or Tik Tok worthy attraction for patrons to photograph. Often these are LED signs; however, we at Ortwein Sign have also fabricated real neon signs in-house for businesses as well, which offer lighting and ambience as well as a centerpiece for photos or selfies in the café itself.

Wall Art and Environmental Graphics

Cafés are known for their ambience, and a component of the success is through the art and graphics that are implemented on the walls. Whether these graphics feature local artiss, local settings, or perhaps more generic coffee or cafe items, they help cafés stand out and feel all the more cozy for those in the establishment.

Digital Kiosks

In the past couple of years the use of digital kiosks have taken off, and though not every establishment or cafe chooses to implement these, more and more they provide customers a contactless way to order food while also seeing the myriad of choices up close and personal, as well as photographs of the food items they are browsing through.


Cafés and restaurants incorporate a significant amount of signage, perhaps more than you might have realized; however, we hope we have shown not only the types of signage on offer to cafés and restaurants, but also their uses and how they help engage with patrons to provide a better, more positive experience for the customer.

Signage ROI: How to Measure the Impact of Signage on Business Revenue

Signage is a crucial component of one’s business plan and marketing and brand strategy, and thus its important to give it the full consideration it deserves. After all it’s an essential component of your overall marketing strategy, as it helps passersby and customers recognize your brand, find your business, and ideally encourages them to shop at your business. If you’re working with an expert sign business such as Ortwein Sign, we’ll put all of our skills into designing, fabricating, and installing your sign to ensure its the most effective it can be for your business.

Even so you may still want to look at the ROI of your signage, to truly assess how your signage helps your business goals, whether that means more foot traffic, higher sales, or increased brand visibility. In this guide, we’ve broken down ways that you can measure the ROI of your signage.

Set Objectives

First of all before calculating your ROI, you must define your aims and goals with your signage. By understanding your goal you’ll know what metrics you need to calculate and assess to identify success.

Calculate Foot Traffic to Your Business

Perhaps you want to drive traffic to your business in certain hours, or at an increased rate overall. If for instance you want to increase foot traffic by 20%, then you’ll need to have the means to measure your clientele. You might need counters by the door, surveillance that assists, or perhaps you’ll need to manually count the number of visitors coming into your store.

Track Sales Before and After Signage Is Installed/Refreshed

If you’re looking at measuring the rate of sales, and hoping for an increase after the addition of signage, or signage refresh, then you’ll want to look at your sales before your signage is installed and after your signage.

Customer Surveys Provide Qualitative Data

Customer surveys can also assist you determine the effectiveness of your signage. You can query your customers on whether your signage drew them into your store, whether it impacted their purchasing decisions, and if you’re using signage to promote a sale or promotion whether they noticed and/or remembered that promotion from your signage.

Promotions, Sales, and Coupon Codes and Signs

If you are using signage to promote a specific sale, promotion, or item, you can track the mentions of said promotions or in the case of a coupon code track the uses of said coupon.

Tracking Signage Engagement with Website Analytics

Even if you have a brick and mortar business that you work out of, you may want to drive traffic to your website. By using signage you can implement this strategy, and with the advent of QR codes in particular you are able to track the engagements with these codes. Therefore you can implement these in your business, and look at your web traffic to confirm the number of times a QR code was scanned and thus drove traffic to the site or page you directed people to.

Social Media and Signage

Similarly you can either use QR codes to direct customers in your store to your social media, or you can use hashtags on signs, or use statement signs that customers will want to take pictures of, and you can track the posts and engagement online across a myriad of existing social media platforms.

Brand Awareness

You may be hoping to increase your brand awareness with your signage, in which case through surveys, and social media and website traffic analysis, you can get a better picture if your brand profile and familiarity increased and improved after the addition of signage.

Scooter's Drive-Thru Signs

Comparative Analysis of Signage

To do a comparative analysis of your signage, you will want to compare the cost of signage installation and maintenance against the revenue generated as a direct result of the signage. Calculate the ROI by dividing the net profit (revenue generated from signage minus signage costs) by the signage costs.

Consider the Timing and Time Frame

Remember that though your signage may seem dramatically different from one day to the next, if you’re installing entirely new branding, or refreshing signage, that its impact may take time. So consider the length of time too that you should calculate the effects of signage, as it may impact the results of your analysis.

A/B Testing of Business Signage

Though it’s not practical for all businesses, especially with permanent signage, if you have the opportunity you may want to consider A/B testing your signage to determine its comparative effectiveness. If this isn’t practical but you do implement temporary signage as part of your brand strategy and marketing, then perhaps implement A/B testing with this signage instead.

Call the Experts at Ortwein Sign

If perhaps this is too complex, or you simply do not have the time to fully assess your signage ROI, let us help. We use our expertise day in and day out to provide the best signage for our clients to fully capitalize on your branding and marketing to boost the objectives you want to help your business succeed.

Ortwein Sign’s Guide to Braille

Many people often conflate ADA regulations and ADA signage with signs that simply need Braille, and though it’s just a small component of ADA signage we did feel it important enough to take a moment to delve into Braille, its history, and how and when it is needed in ADA signage.

History of Braille

Braille is forever linked with Louis Braille, the young Frenchman who in his teens began to adapt a six-dot code for writing and music notation. According to, after being blinded at the age of 3, Braille, a rather incredible student in his outright, invented the system at the age of 15. Braille was not working in a vacuum however when he developed his system, as he adapted his own method from work by Charles Barbier. Likewise Valentin Haüy, a fellow Frenchman, years before had developed a system of embossed paper for use of reading by the blind. Hauy is also known as the founder of Institut National des Jeunes Aveugles (National Institute for Blind Children), where Louis Braille was a student and first developed Braille.

The Adoption of Braille

Braille was adopted over time by educators and countries alike, and in 1932 representatives of the United Kingdom and the United States of America met to adopt the system known as English Standard Braille.

Simple Introduction to Braille

By Padin – Own work, CC BY-SA 2.5 es,

Despite popular belief Braille itself is not a language. Instead Braille uses a system of 63 dot patterns with 2 columns and 3 rows where dots can be placed. The different patterns of dots vary to identify different numbers, letters, punctuation marks, attributes, and more. 

Two Types of Braille

According to Perkins School for the Blind, there are two types of braille: contracted and uncontracted.

“In uncontracted braille, every word is spelled out. Contracted braille is a “shorthand” version where common words are abbreviated, much like “don’t” is a shorter version of “do” and “not.” Most children learn uncontracted braille before they learn the contracted version.”

Braille and ADA

In 1990, The Americans with Disabilities Act passed in Congress and was signed into law. This act helped codify federal requirements to help increase access to all persons in public buildings.

Among the regulations in the act are those identifying the use of Braille, including when it should be used, where it should be placed, as well as the proper use.

What Type of Signs Incorporate Braille?

Braille signs fall under the heading of Tactile Signage.

According to the International Sign Association, a tactile sign is “a sign, or an area within a larger sign or area, which conveys its message through raised or engraved artwork, making it accessible to the visually impaired. Required by A.D.A. for all permanently identified rooms.”

Where must Braille appear on ADA Compliant Signs?

According to Access-Board.Gov, Braille is located below raised characters, including when text is multi-lined.

What specifications must be met for the Braille to be ADA Compliant?

According to, “Braille dots shall have a domed or rounded shape and shall comply with Table 703.3.1. The indication of an uppercase letter or letters shall only be used before the first word of sentences, proper nouns and names, individual letters of the alphabet, initials, and acronyms.

Braille shall be positioned below the corresponding text. If text is multi-lined, braille shall be placed below the entire text. Braille shall be separated 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) minimum from any other tactile characters and 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) minimum from raised borders and decorative elements.

EXCEPTION: Braille provided on elevator car controls shall be separated 3/16 inch (4.8 mm) minimum and shall be located either directly below or adjacent to the corresponding raised characters or symbols.”